Today’s Flowers #2

What a desolate place would be a world without a flower!
— A.J. Balfour —

My flower for today is an English Daisy – Margheritina Pomponette variety.

~ by Piedmont Perspective on 18 August 2008.

20 Responses to “Today’s Flowers #2”

  1. Lovely and beautiful! Thanks for taking a peek at my entry!

  2. What a beautiful shot! The daisy looks stunning! Great!

  3. Beautiful shots!

  4. This is absolutely stunning! I”ve just come upon your blog….so I’ll need to explore your other posts!

    This is Great Work!!

  5. What a great shot! It shows the lovely variegation on the petals.
    My Flower Here

  6. Fantastic shot of the daisy!

  7. Lovely photo!
    But,an English daisy – sorry but never!

  8. I do love the colors on your flower.

  9. The lighting of that daisy was unbelievable.

  10. What a lovely image of an English Daisy – Beautiful color!! And a great quote!

  11. This isa cracking picture, and I do like the quotes you use so well with your pictures.

  12. Fantastic photo! Beautiful flower!
    Thank you for your support, it’s very important for me!
    Hope to see you every weeks.


  13. Incredible photo. Such a nice flower to start with, but an excellent photography job.

  14. Very pretty close up of the daisy. I love the diptych of the mountain landscape in your header. I recently did a sunrise diptych and liked how it turned out.

  15. I don’t believe I have ever seen this particular flower before, but it is a beauty.

    Well, I went over and joined Luiz Santilli Junior’s flowers group and planted some flowers and they are already in bloom at my new blog, Thunder Maker.

    It looks like I am going to have to try and catch up with everyone. So many blogs to stop at and make comments.

    My Flowers

    Abraham Lincoln

  16. Flower fantastic, intense color. Very, very beautiful, congratulations.

  17. wonderful colors.

  18. beautiful shot. Nice flower.

  19. Thanks to everyone for dropping by and for leaving a comment! If I have missed posting a comment to your blog, please accept my apologies.

  20. Gorgeous!

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